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Debate Over EPA’s ‘Transparency’ Rule

Debate Over EPA’s ‘Transparency’ Rule

The EPA proposed a rule to only use scientific studies with “publicly available” data when it develops regulations. This has sparked a debate in Congress on whether the proposal would prevent the EPA from considering studies that analyze private health information.

FactChecking Perry

FactChecking Perry

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry will once again seek the presidency. Our file on Perry includes items on immigration, jobs, taxes, the environment and government regulation.

Settling the Dust in Arkansas

Settling the Dust in Arkansas

Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor tries to make political hay out of agricultural dust by distorting the facts in a new TV ad, while Republicans manufacture a bogus jobs claim against the Democratic senator.

Ted’s Twisted History

Ted’s Twisted History

In Sen. Ted Cruz’s twisted vision of economic history, Ronald Reagan cured double-digit unemployment by cutting spending and reducing the federal debt, and Jimmy Carter was guilty of “out-of-control regulation.”
In the real world:

Total federal spending soared during Reagan’s deficit-plagued first term, and the national debt nearly doubled. His budget director later resigned and wrote a book criticizing Reagan’s failure to cut spending.
And Carter signed landmark bills freeing airline, railroad and trucking rates from federal regulation,